Tuesday 17 April 2012

Green Tea

The other category that appealed (see previous post),  “Green Tea: an eco-friendly teapot”, is tailer made for my entry in  last year’s teapot show.

“Green Tea”! Get it? Bob Brown really is God’s gift to caricaturists

So I started on “Green Tea V2” only to hear the devastating news last Friday that he is retiring from politics so my entry will be passé before it’s even finished!

Not that I am a big fan of the Greens you understand. In fact, as one of my friends put it

 “Shame that Brown spoilt your plans (But then he has spoilt a Nation’s prosperity and hopes- so are you surprised?)”  

Oh well, at least I still have Julia, another caricaturist’s dream. Now just if can I come up with something on the carbon tax………………….!

Current ceramic work !

Well I am updating this blog out of sheer boredom:( Not that I don’t have anything to do! I do!

However, once again it is persisting down in Sydney, about 100mm fell yesterday, so nothing is drying and I don’t mean the washing although that is going to become a problem soon if this weather keeps up.

No, it's my ceramics that aren’t drying. I was planning to use the two week Easter holiday from TAFE in making my entry for the Sydney Teapot Show which is held every year at the Inner City Clayworkers Gallery in Glebe. Each year there are nominated categories that you can enter. This year, two categories appealed to me, “What the Dickens: A teapot reflecting the world of Charles Dickens” and “Green Tea: an eco-friendly teapot”.

I had a look on the web and there are any number teapots for most well known Dickensian characters so I thought I’d do something a bit different, after all it does say that the categories can be interpreted in any way you wish.

So here is my take on Uncle Scrooge Mcduck. Work in progress!

I’ve finished the actual making but I want  him to be brightly coloured with underglazes which I can’t apply until he is at the bone dry stage and, with this weather, he’s just not drying out!
I know, from experience, that it takes ages to apply underglazes well and, once TAFE starts again, I’ll be pretty busy so I’m hoping for some sun! Soon!